Said about the Symposium:

Bohumil Bača
Very good working conditions, excellent colleagues, excellent management. I have very nice memories.

Jana Hanáčková
Symposium was a possibility to get in touch, get to know and understand people of different generations. Though it lasted very short time, I enjoyed listening to their opinions and watching their processes of painting and this was the most positive impulse of the symposium. Of course, the Valtice horse riding hall and sourroundings also helped. As a conclusion I say: Again, please…

František Hodonský
The symposium Large Format in the town of Valtice is the only event of its kind in the region bordering Austria. The region itself is not very attractive when it comes to art. But several kilometres away from here a new town gallery At the Temple came into existence…
The symposium helped to defend the right for further existence of painting. There were no passionate discussions about crisis in painting. It is a suitable place to hold a symposium like this, in the basin full of ponds, emerald woods and wild vegetation. It is a dream of every landscape painter.