Said about the Symposium:

Vladimír Franz
It is good to have a control of space, it is good to steal appricots in a strange countryside. The grass rolls over the Pálava region, vultures circle above Mikulov lime rocks.And it is thrilling to organize stag-beetle fights on a freshly coated canvas in the horse riding hall being assisted by antique – like cakes = sculptures in the woods.
And as everybody drinks beer in a vineyard region, it is amazing to manage the space which even a disciple of a baroque altar master wouldn‘t be frightened with.

Jan Pospíšil
At first art theorists‘ reproach spoke about a lack of concept. But we aimed at catching the feeeling and mood of the certain time and place.
But their later reaction is a proof that we might have managed it.

Ilona Tunklová, Gallery of Fine Art in Hodonín
The main organizer and the good spirit of the venue was Mr. Jan Pospíšil, a painter, who, being a wilful fellow, managed to muster the event again. With a bit of exaggeration we may say that his original idea arose from the true meaning of the Greek word "Symposion“, which means a witty, bright dialogue during and after a feast, rather than from a goal to trace strictly the contemporary trends, the art streams or to put ahead some binding topics for each year of the symposium.

PDF documents:

Ilona Tunklová
The seventh run of the Large Format Symposium